What Is PRP?
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a high concentration of your own platelets in a small volume of plasma that contains growth factors and bio active proteins. Platelets are the body cells that help the tissues in healing and producing new cells.

How Is PRP Collected?
1. Small amount of blood is withdrawn from your forearm.
2. This is spun in a centrifuge for 10 – 15 minutes. This separates the platelets from the other blood cells.
3. The concentrated platelets are then injected into the targeted areas – face and scalp.

How Does It Work?
The injected PRPs form an environment that aids in growing collagen, regenerates tissue making the skin smooth, even tone and tighter and stimulates hair growth on the scalp.

How long is the Procedure?
PRP injections can be done as a stand-alone, thereby taking about 20 minutes.
PRP can be done in combination with micro-needling or radioactive frequency for a more enhanced look and this can take up to 1 hour.

What Treatment Options Do We Offer in Our Clinic with PRP?
1. Facial Lines / Wrinkles / Uneven skin tone.
2. Volume loss in the face (we do in combination with dermal fillers).
3. Hair loss (male pattern baldness).
4. Following hair transplant. Depending on the indication we offer PRP as either stand-alone treatment or in combination with micro-needling and / or radio frequency.

How Many Injections Do I Need?
Injections are spaced 4 weeks apart. For best results, one may require up to 4 injections.
Feel free to visit The Facial Aesthetics Solutions Clinic at Kileleshwa Nairobi or call us